Lacey Charrene
30 something
Grew Up:
Sunny Fort Myers, Florida U.S.A., The City of Palms
Currently Live:
In a little country town, On the outskirts of Atlanta, Georgia and the foothills to the mountains.
AKA: The South!
Collecting things from nature.
Favorite Ice cream:
Chunky Monkey
Greatest Achievements:
My dedication and baptism. My marriage. My children. Volunteering to help others.
School Mascot:
(AKA: a pet)
Brownie The Guinea Pig
Books I have read more than once:
Jane Eyre
Pride and Prejudice
Anne Frank
Little Women
Gone With The Wind
Things I dislike:
Scary movies
Strangers in the dark
A Little More:
I am homeschooling momma, to a six year old active little boy.
I rarely listen to music because I forget to turn the radio on.
I am challenged with auto-immune diseases.
I have been happily married for 12+ years, yes all of them happy.
I love sharing my faith with others.
I prefer non-fiction reading over a novel any day.
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