My Favorites

Friday, January 2, 2015

Homeschooling Using Pinterest

Son and I this summer in downtown
Chattanooga, Tennessee.
My real man is behind the camera. LOL.
So usually how I wind down in the evening is either by writing or pinning. Yes pinning on Pinterest. I can't be the only one that pins on pinterest! Of course not or else there wouldn't be so much there. Well this week my little saw me looking at Pinterest and asked me about it and so I explained what it was and how I used it. So he wanted to pin some stuff too. Now mind me, this is my, me time. I am not wanting him to jerk the laptop away from me and I lose the little time I take for myself, but I also didn't want to say no and I knew this wasn't a game or anything that would hold his five year old attention span long.

So this is what I did.  I set up a board this week that is just for stuff we plan to do this school year. Then I allowed my son to go through all of my homeschooling pins I have been collecting and select the ones that interest him the most. Now Pinterest has a feature where you can move pins from one board to another. So that is exactly what I did. I moved the ones that he wanted to do and a few I know he needs now to this current board for this year. He picked some amazing stuff and I think I am just as excited as he is! I am so happy he asked me about Pinterest and we were able to do this together. If you don't already try asking your kids what they want to do for school sometime? I do it often and the answer always surprises in a good way. :-)

Feel free to follow me or any of my boards on Pinterest.

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